Day 12 of training and Day 5 of our mission trip. What a blessing these past 12 days have been. We have been hosting a mission trip for students from St.Joseph school in brownsville, Texas. There are 50 high school students thaat drove 27 hours from brownsville to join us. These teens are AMAZING and have been working soooo hard. Overall, this has been a humbling and awesome experience!!!! I feel the growth even in these past 12 days. We have been working for lower income families in the community of harlan, kentucky doing roofing repairs, painting, building decks, etc. We are in the Appalachian mountains and I never knew how BEAUTIFUL this region of the USA is. We have been starting off the day with a morning pray then head out to our work sites until about 4pm. After work we prepare dinner then go to evening prayer after this we missionaries take turns hosting the evening program. This includes “mexico olympic games”, a witness talk, small group discussion, worship and other fun activities like that. After evening program we have night prayer then go to bed! We have bonded soooo much as a group and I have met so many wonderful and hard working people from ALL over the USA. We will be in harlan, KY until june 6 then head to Louisa, KY to host our next week long mission trip for students. We are praying for our families and friends back home and all those who have made it possible for us to attend this AWESOME trip. God Bless you all!! Love you and please email me at if you have any questions about this trip. Muah!

3 thoughts on “

  1. Margie

    God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again. Philippians 1:6
    Carla: God is not finished with you yet. God is doing a good work in you. God ain’t finished with you yet! P.S. Don’t tell Judge Judy is used the word “ain’t”!! I love you so….muah…your Mom!

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